ABC in focus - October 2024Sometimes I am asked whether the Latinos I minister to are in this country legally. That's not a question I ever ask anyone. As a ministry, we avoid helping people find jobs for that very reason. That way, we do not have to inquire about their legal status. From personal experience, I can say that the vast majority of the folks with whom we share the gospel are simply seeking to make a better life for themselves and their families. They are human beings made in the image of God for whom Jesus died. Therefore, the focus of our ministry is sharing Christ's love through our words and our actions. As we enter a political season filled with controversy about immigration and its effects, would you join me in praying that God would give wisdom to our leaders? Pray for a solution to our current immigration situation which would bring safety to our communities while treating immigrants with justice and compassion. Pray that the gospel would bring true freedom to many lives. Pray that God would lead us all to live in the light of his coming Kingdom. As always, thank you for your prayers and support of ABC Regional Hispanic Ministries.
About us:
ABC Regional Hispanic Ministries is focused on taking the Good News of Jesus Christ to Hispanics outside the walls of the church. From its beginnings in 1992 as an outreach to transient farm workers, ABC has proclaimed the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Hispanics of Allendale, Hampton, Barnwell, Bamberg and Colleton Counties in South Carolina. Our Purpose: to reach and win the Spanish language/culture people to Jesus Christ, to provide them with discipleship development, and to provide a Christian ministry to the permanent, seasonal, and transient Spanish language/culture people of Allendale-Hampton, Barnwell-Bamberg, and Colleton Associations in cooperation with local Southern Baptist churches. Our Mission: to establish on-mission Hispanic churches which will reach out to the Hispanic population (transient and permanent) of the ABC area, and to fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission among the transient population.